Friday, November 13, 2009

This Day I Pray

This day I pray, that I'm worthy of the gift of life I was granted today. I pray, that my Families health and well being prospers at all times. I pray, that my abilities provide a source of comfort and prosperity to all those that follow me. I pray, that my vision is clear and the direction I take is His will. I pray, that when I stumble I am Man enough to extend my hand for His help. This day I pray to see another day!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thanks to our Nations Veterans

We live in a World that has its share of conflict and war and at the front line of defense of that conflict and war stand our brave military men and women that sacrifice their lives for our safety! Men and women that sometimes remain faceless but supply all of us a warm cozy blanket of protection as we sleep!!! This and every day take a moment and just say thanks... GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU.