Next time someone asks you, “are you a real Suns fan?” keep in mind what a “fan” is to some people. A perfect example of this is Phoenix Suns super fan “Mr. Orng.” Every home game he douses himself in orange body paint, and temporarily dyes his hair orange while wearing an orange shirt and pants. Why, one might ask? Does he get paid? Or was he sponsored by the Suns to draw in fans? No, he is a fan and that is all, (the biggest of fans in my opinion). When the Suns are on the road, he is at his computer watching the game and talking to fans that follow him on Twitter and Facebook because they like what he is doing for the team.
For years Mr. Orng has been going to Suns games, and once he started the “orange out” it never stopped. Fans loved it, it got him on the big screen, and it got him noticed on ESPN and Fox Sports during games too. Since then he developed a following, people will stop him in the halls at Suns games for pictures, and come to his section for a quick pic. After the games he talks Suns basketball with just about any fan that will listen or tweet with him online. He runs his own Facebook, Twitter and blog site that you can follow him on by searching Mr. Orng and after the games he goes on Sports 620 KTAR and talks with analysts about the game. He does all of this for free, let me remind you. This is what being a fan is all about; not the bandwagon followers that only tune in when it is playoff time and their home town team is finally winning. Fans like Mr. Orng set the president for everyone else. What do you do to get your friends and family, or even your section excited during the game? Fandom comes with a responsibility to make sure everyone knows that even if your team doesn’t win the championship this season, they will have the best, loudest, most decorated fans in the world. That is what I love about Mr. Orng, he goes to every game and cheers abundantly no matter the opponent, no matter the score, no matter the record. That is what being a fan should be all about; just enjoying the game, and the experience that comes with it.
I wanted to get to know Mr. Orng, and find out where and why he started with the Suns so I asked him a few questions to help everyone get to know him. Here we go!
Klapper: First off, what got you interested in the Phoenix Suns?
Orng: I was born in NY and moved here when I was 7 years old... I followed the Suns from NY because I loved basketball and the Suns style of play and colors when I was young. Then after moving here I really became attached and have never looked back.
What made you start wearing the orange paint?
When the Suns stayed with the Planet Orange theme for more than one season, I took that as an opportunity to distinguish myself from the "average" fan and thought of a clever way to show my support of the team and planet orange. After attending playoff games with orange hair on the road and making national TV, I figured it was time to make a brand image for myself and so began Mr.ORNG.
Do you plan or aim to expand your popularity as a Suns super fan? How so?
Yes, I do. I love the team and I love interacting with other fans. I plan to do it by utilizing my current channels of media and self promotion in order to continue to grow my image and brand. The why is more important.... not only do I love it, but the response from the Phoenix Suns fan base has been so overwhelming and supportive that I want to keep going just for them. I participate in any events I can that are related to the Suns and any media requests.
What's your favorite thing about having people follow your writing and noticing you at games?
My favorite part would be knowing that I made someone’s day. The people that follow my writing do not all live in AZ. I have many people from all around the world reach out to me and inform me that they follow me, my writing and my story and appreciate it. That keeps me going. Seeing people at games and making their day is an awesome experience. Being able to get the crowd around me excited and supportive for the Suns is rewarding and something I aim to do with Mr.ORNG. The Phoenix fan base is not in the top 3 for arenas to play in and my goal is to make our home court one of the top 3 in the league and that is going to take a lot of time, effort and dedication. Our team deserves it and I aim to achieve that goal.
Have you ever done any community charity stuff? Do you have any ideas towards going that route?
Tons. As Mr.ORNG, no. I have not been asked to attend any events as Mr.ORNG that is community related. I would in a heartbeat. I believe giving back to the community and receive personal satisfaction in doing so. I volunteer at food shelters, reading events to under privileged children, paint and repair shelters, assist at schools and serve on my home owners association. I would love to be a part of any of the Suns charity events as Mr.ORNG and give back in any way I can.
You can follow Mr. Orng online at http://www.facebook.com/mrorng
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