Saturday, April 13, 2013

PGA Fans a Class Act!


PGA Fans a Class Act!

Watching the Masters the last few days as a fan opened my eyes to just how different golf fans are from other sports fans yet how much all fans have in common. Golf is one of the few sports that provide their fan base the opportunity to be on the field along side the players. Golf fans for the most part are extremely respectful of the concentration required during a tournament and the self control fans display is admirable. Times, well, they are a changing. As today's Pro Golfer has become younger and stronger they have also become more social savvy. Twitter, Facebook and Youtube have become a way for Pro's to connect with their fan base and show off their personalities.
Golf fans have also changed. Fans and players have always been very colorful in their attire but these days fans are taking that to a whole new level. As the Pro's have loosened up and become more expressive so have the fans that follow them. These days it's not uncommon to see a super fan or two dressed up in wild outfits getting as much attention for their costumes as the players they are out supporting...
It seems as if golf fans have only been holding back their desire to express themselves because the legends of the past have tried to keep tradition intact but that all changed when Arnie's Army was born and the Golden Bear hit the lynx. Today a Tiger roams the lynx and golf fans across the globe are enjoying the freedom of expression! Visit our web site and join sports fans like you.

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