Sports Fans
I've been a sports fan for as long as I can remember, I loved it all. Football, baseball, basketball, soccer you name it I played it. As a kid sports was my retreat form homework and chores, there was always a game to play in my neighborhood and I was pretty damn good at them all... I can remember trying out for the football team and going through all the drills, I loved it, even when I got my bell rung and saw stars I couldn't wait to get back on the field. I played every sport and made every team which kept me busy and out of trouble all year round. Looking back it was probably a real challenge for my mother who raised two kids own her own. I'll never forget the first time my mom took me to my first MLB Game, it was the New York Mets Old Timers Day and seeing that bright green luscious green grass was the must spectacular sight I had ever seen! I was hooked...
Today I can't play the games I still love but I can still watch and attend sporting evens all over the country. I've come to admire sports fans of all genres, their dedication is remarkable. Whether their teams are winning or loosing their passion and support is always there! Sports Fans are fantastic collectively but are also treated like stepchildren. Their the most important group and the least respected at the same time. Sports Fans are uniquely perfect and imperfect but the thought of a sports or entertainment activity without the attendance of screaming fans is unthinkable.
Next time you're at a sporting event and you're looking around the stadium or arena and you see all the wild crazy fans painted and dressed in the team colors don't call them crazy they're just an extension of you! Visit our web site and express your wild side.
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